Code and Principles
The Mission of the Group is to be the key point of contact between manufacturers, resellers and technology users.
Corporate Governance
Esprinet, aware of how an adequate governance structure is essential to achieve short and long-term strategic objectives, adopts the traditional administration and control system, which guarantees constant dialogue between management and shareholders.
The Esprinet Group encourages the possibility of pointing out cases of possible infringements, anomalies, suspected frauds and/or violation of either the Ethical Code or the Organizational Model which the Addresses of the above-mentioned Ethical Code and Organizational Model can become aware of.
Esprinet's remuneration policy is defined in accordance with the governance model adopted by the company and with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code.
Engagement Policy
Esprinet promotes and values Dialogue with its Shareholders and strives to ensure that it is continuous, open and transparent, in order to ensure the sustainable creation of shared value in the long term.
Internal Dealing
Within this section, it is possible to read the communication notices pertaining to transactions performed by "Significant Persons" ad by "Significant Shareholders" and disclosed to the market by Esprinet in compliance with current regulations about Internal Dealing, governing the specific transparency regime - as well as the relevant information flows towards the market - required for transactions involving shares issued by Esprinet or other related financial instruments and carried out, even through third parties, by the Company's "Significant Persons" and by persons that are "closely related" to them and by the Company's "Significant Shareholders" and by any persons "closely associated" with them.