Corporate Governance
Esprinet, aware of how an adequate governance structure is essential to achieve short and long-term strategic objectives, adopts the traditional administration and control system, which guarantees constant dialogue between management and shareholders, and which provides:
• Shareholders' Meeting: corporate body called, through its resolutions, to express the will of the shareholders.
• Board of Directors: who is entrusted with the central role in the economic and strategic management of the business, as well as the definition and supervision of the strategic lines to be adopted. The Board of Directors, currently made up of 9 members, has set up four internal Committees: Control and Risk Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Competitiveness and Sustainability Committee.
• Board of Statutory Auditor: corporate body to whom the supervision of compliance with the law and the bylaws and management control is entrusted. Currently composed of 3 statutory auditors and 2 alternate auditors.
The legal audit of the accounts is instead delegated to an External Auditing company.
In addition, in order to align with national and international best practices that ensure the most functional, transparent and efficient management of the Company, the Company by Laws and the Shareholders' Meeting Regulations have progressively been updated, over the years, with a series of subsequent amendments.
Download the documents currently in force: