The Group aims at encouraging the possibility of reporting cases of possible violations, i.e. behavior, acts or omissions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the private entity and that consist of significant illegal conduct pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 or violations of the Code of Ethics and/or the Organization, Management and Control Model of the Companies belonging to Esprinet Group, or unlawful acts falling within the scope of either European or national acts, or acts or omissions affecting the financial interests of either the European Union or the internal market, or acts or behavior which undermine the object or purpose of the provisions of the Union’s acts, which employees/workers/persons working in the business context (including consultants, collaborators, shareholders, volunteers, trainees, etc.) have become aware of.
All employees / workers / people working in the business context (including consultants, collaborators, shareholders, volunteers, trainees, etc.) can report any violation to the reporting body using the following written and oral channels:
• Through the Whistleblowing platform accessible from any browser (also accessing from mobile devices) on the following address https://esprinet.eticainsieme.it/#/
This tool offers the broadest guarantees in terms of confidentiality for the whistleblower (through encryption).
• By calling the telephone number +393427755190 (not subject to registration).
Download at this link the document "Policy for the prevention of fraud and violations of the Code of Ethics and for the management of reports on" Whistleblowing " adopted by the Esprinet Group.