Esprinet on the Stock Market
Share price centre
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Basic Info
Since July 25th 2001, Esprinet's shares have been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange Esprinet's offering price was Euros 14.0 per share (correspondent to 1.4 euro as an Esprinet's stock-split 1:10 occurred in May 2005):
Type of share: Ordinary shares
Number of shares outstanding: 50,417,417
Securities Code Number (ISIN Code): IT0003850929
The share capital subscribed and paid by the Company amounts to Euro 7,860,651.00, represented by 50,417,417 ordinary shares, without any indication of the nominal value. All shares have voting rights except for 974,915 or 1.93% that are owned by the Company.
Reuters: PRT.MI
Bloomberg: PRT:IM
Indici azionari di riferimento:
• MIBSTAR (small-medium caps key index)
• MSCI (Morgan Stanley Small Cap Index)